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Welcome to YMCA of the USA’s online application system, where YMCA staff and other end users in the United States can apply for grants, financial assistance, and scholarships.

Important Notice: Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is active in YMCA of the USA’s SmartSimple site. This change will apply to all users of SmartSimple.

What this means for you: In addition to providing your username and password when you log into SmartSimple, you will be asked to enter a verification code. This code will be emailed to you at the email address associated with your SmartSimple account. You will be asked to re-enter a verification code at least every 60 days.

If you need to change the email address associated with your SmartSimple account, please use the “Edit My Profile” instructions link below.

It is recommended that all SmartSimple users add grants@ymca.net in your email contact list to ensure that you receive our emails.

First-Time Users

  • YMCA CEOs should not register for a new account. It has already been created for you. As a CEO user, please click the “Forgot Password” link. To set new password and access your account, use your primary email address from Manage Our Y Profile (MOYP).
  • All other YMCA Staff and end users must register for a new account. Registration is quick and easy. As a new end user, please use the "Register Here" link to set up your account.

User Instructions

Please review the below for step-by-step user instructions: